Industrial Electrical Advice

Infrared Electrical Inspection – So hot right now!

There’s a lot of buzz around infrared, or thermographic, inspection right now, and for once the hype is justified. If you run a factory, shopping centre, commercial building or even a large office, an annual infrared electrical inspection can potentially save you a packet. As one of Western Australia’s leading exponents of infrared electrical inspections, […]

Commercial Electrical Advice, Electrical Advice, Industrial Electrical Advice

Switching to LED: shedding a little light on the truth.

There are plenty of compelling reasons to change to LED lighting, particularly for domestic use. But for business and commercial users considering whether to change over to LED lighting, it’s important that you do your homework first, and ensure that LED is right for your usage, your operating environment and your maintenance approach. The smartest [...]
Commercial Electrical Advice, Industrial Electrical Advice, Residential Electrical Advice

Electrical equipment and tools – testing and tagging

In Western Australia, our workplaces are protected by The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 (OSH Act) which requires electrical equipment to be safe and not expose workers to electrical hazards. Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996 (the OSH regulations) stipulates the manager or person who has control of your workplace must make certain that […]

Commercial Electrical Advice, Industrial Electrical Advice

Electrical Contractors are Mandatory for All Households

Electrical contractors are very important. Please read the following understand more about them. Electricity is the main pillar of urban area’s. By definition, we understand that electricity is the energy form that comes into existence due to charged particles. It either accumulates or is in the form of current. We all know that current is [...]
Industrial Electrical Advice

Useful Links

Seniors Card Discounts available The Western Australian Seniors Card offers an extensive range of discounts for goods and services. Digital TV in Australia How do I know if I am digital ready? You can find out if your current set up is digital ready or you may need a new aerial, or satellite dish, and/or set […]

Industrial Electrical Advice